They too were AMERICANS • Was the Bund a German or American organization? These and the answers to 100’s of other questions can be found in this title. What were the origins of the Bund? They were a mixture of many things, to include the post-WWI abortive Communist Revolution in Germany and response by the Freikorps movement, the early Hitler activities of 1922-1924, the world-wide economic boycott of German products starting in 1933, anti-German propaganda in the USA during the 1930s tied with fresh memories of US involvement in the Great War, and of course the Great Depression. “They too were Americans” is an inside view of the German-American Bund from interviews, personal diaries, hundreds of photos and artifacts compiled by the author. The Bund was a truly independent form of American National Socialism which sought understanding as well as friendship between the United States and Germany. Domestically, the Bund believed portions of the Capitalist as well as National Socialist world view could be of benefit to their fellow citizens in America. 562 photos, many
in color