New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America by Micheal Collins
Piper Here, between
two covers for the first time is hard data and information, taken
primarily from mainstream pro-Zionist sources, relating to the power
of the Zionist elite in America today . . . A detailed overview of some 200 major Zionist families . . . Who they are. What they own. Where and how they made their vast fortunes. Some names you'll recognize. Many you won't. This is the first time EVER that this information is being made avail! able to grass-roots Americans. You'll be amazed at the details that Mike has compiled . . . Hundreds of cold, hard facts and figures about the sources of Zionist wealth and power in America . . . The industries they dominate; Their impact on culture and society; Their vast influence on the education system; The names of Zionist political action committees; How Zionist voting power is magnified. The first-ever complete accounting of the Zionist names appearing in the most recent (2004) list of the famous Forbes 400 list of the billionaires and mega-millionaires in America today - available nowhere except in the pages of The New Jerusalem (and not even in Forbes itself!). Here is the table
of contents: America’s ‘New Elite’ A Candid & Sympathetic Overview of That Most Difficult Topic Corruption “American” Style: ENRON The Little-Publicized (But Very Big) Zionist Connection The INSLAW Affair: Zionist Control of the Courts and the US Justice Department The Bronfman Gang: The Royal Family of American Jewry Two Major Media Giants: The Meyer-Graham and Newhouse Empires America’s Wealthiest and Most Powerful Jewish Families: Those Who Reign Supreme Who Towers Behind Trump? The Strange Story of “The Donald” Cold, Hard Facts & Figures Zionist Power in America Today—According to Jewish Sources Jewish Names in the Forbes 400 (2004) A Final Judgment . . . Modern-Day Zionist Philosophers: “America is The New Jerusalem.” Some Parting Thoughts: The Wave of the Future Bibliography of